Wednesday September 7, 2022
New Location: Bolton Library, 738 Main St, Bolton, MA 01740
New Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Happy September! This will be a fun-filled year!
This month is all things triangle shawls!

Please bring a favorite triangle shawl to show to the group We are going to discuss triangle shawl construction and how to wear them.

Don’t forget to show us what you have been up to all summer! Bring any completed projects you want to share with the group and your current knitting projects! Need help or stuck? No worries as I am sure someone at the guild will know how to help!
Please bring in any ideas or suggestion on what you want to do this year. Do you have a favorite designer? Want yarn crawl to our favorite yarn shops or fiber festivals? Do you want to do a KAL for charity or fun? Something you want to learn? Let’s created a great year of fun and activities
Guild meetings are for everyone! It is a place where everyone is welcome. We are would love to see our old friends and make new ones! This guild is nothing without our members. Let’s get together to have some lively conversions and laughter, share our love of fiber and just enjoy being together as we create fantastic items out of a little ball of fiber!
Membership is open to all. The cost is $35 per year. Visitors are usually welcome. We may asks visitors for a $10 – $15 meeting fee when we have a special speaker.